It has been forever and a day since I sat down at my computer to type, well, anything for you guys and, with the madness that is the last month and a half finally coming to an end, it's time to update you on where I've been!
If you follow me on social media you may know that I, along with Jasmine from Sweetaholic Beauty, Nikita from NJT Reviews, Angie from Peplum and Prosecco and Samantha from That Little Beauty Blog, had been working like mad on bringing a Bloggers United Au event to Perth, Western Australia. Over the past month or so, every free moment was spent organising the event and, unfortunately, Born to Buy Blog was neglected. The event was held yesterday and, if I can say so myself, it was a huge success, but we'll talk more about that tomorrow.
Today I'm here to say sorry. Sorry for being so MIA, especially on the blog. I was around on Facebook and Instagram, purely because that could be done on my phone, but, if I'm honest, blogging was the last thing I could think about doing after I spent hours on end responding to emails etc.
With all that said and done, I'm back, feeling refreshed and so excited to share so many new products and ideas with you all. Before I get back into my daily uploads *gulp*, there are a few things I want to tell you about.
Firstly, you may have noticed that my url has changed. Thanks to the tireless work of a schoolfriend, Chris, Born to Buy Blog finally has its own domain again. If you had any shortcuts on your computer, don't forget to change them to, though going to will still get you here.
Secondly, this li'l ol' blog is so close to two million page views. Two million! CAn you believe it 'cos I know I can't! I should hit the milestone in just over a month, so get ready for giveaways galore. There'll be celebrations here on the blog, as well as throughout my various social media platforms, so be sure to follow me for all the goss!
And that's it from me today. Don't forget to check back tomorrow for my Bloggers United Perth recap.
What have I missed while I've been gone? What have you been up to? Fill me in!