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January 29, 2015

Emptying the Trash // November '14 - January '15

I have been collecting my empty beauty products for quite some time now, with my last Emptying the Trash post being uploaded in October. I know, I'm a bad beauty blogger! I have a lot of empties to share with you all today, though it's not actually many as I had in the huge Kit Cosmetics bag I have for my empties - something nasty leaked through it and I didn't want to fish all my make up empties from the bottom. Let's just say I'm throwing out a bunch of my old eyeliners, all of the Maybelline Colour Tattoos I own (except for the Metal ones) and a few other random beauty bits so old you probably didn't even know I owned them! 

Normally I talk through everything I've finished, telling you what I thought and whether I'll repurchase it. It's late, however, and I want some sleep so I'm only going to talk about the products that I haven't reviewed, linking the ones I have. 

Batiste Dry Shampoo - Dark & Deep Brown
This dry shampoo is really great if you have dark hair and can't stand the white cast that other shampoos leave behind. It was a pretty decent dry shampoo too, though I may have used better. 
Will I repurchase? Next time I dye my hair dark, sure!  

Mario Badescu Special Cucumber Lotion | People for Plants Grapefruit Aloe Foaming Cleansing Gel* x 2 | Clarisonic Sensitive Brush Head | Glam Glow Supermud Clearing Treatment

Mario Badescu Special Cucumber 
This is a really gentle toner that I feel is doing quite nice things for my skin. It's not too astringent and it it does a good job of refreshing the skin. 
Would I repurchase it? Already have. You can see it in an upcoming haul. 

Clarisonic Sensitive Brush Head
I use the Sensitive Brush Head with my Clarisonic every time I wash my face. I feel like it's gentle enough on the skin to be used daily and I didn't want to risk it with anything more harsh. 
Would I repurchase it? Already have!

Glam Glow Supermud Clearing Treatment
This treatment completely underwhelmed me. It was good, yeah, but I don't think it's anything special and, though I saw it sucking all the gunk out of my face, I didn't see any significant difference in my skin after using it. 
Would I repurchase it? Not at this stage. 

Dove Pink Deoderant | Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Body Wash | Original Source Mint & Tea Tree Refreshing Hand Wash 

Dove Pink Deoderant
If you've been reading my blog for a while now, you have might noticed that this deodorant pops up on the blog a lot. This deodorant is the only one I use any, yes, I did use up more than one in the last three months. 
Would I repurchase it? Yes, definitely. 

Soap & Glory Sugar Crush Body Wash 
I went into Kit Cosmetics to pick up the Soap & Glory Clean On Me Clarifying Shower Gel, yet somehow came out with this one instead; I'm such a sucker for a good saleswoman. I didn't enjoy this scent as much as Clean On Me, it was a bit too sickly citrus sweet for my liking, but it was nice all the same. 
Would I repurchase it? Not at this stage.

Original Source Original Source Mint & Tea Tree Refreshing Hand Wash
This hand wash lived in my bathroom from about November onwards and it was the perfect Christmas scent, so minty and fresh!
Would I repurchase it? Not at this stage, though I do have other Original Source hand washes to use up!

Essie Nail Polish in Lady Like | Ulta3 Nail Colour in Spring Break* | Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear Nail Colour in #140 Rockstar Pink | Ulta3 Nail Colour in Pink Peony* | The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil 

The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil
I think this spot treatment did a great job at speeding up the healing process 
Would I repurchase it? I'm testing another tea treat oil at the moment but I will if that one disappoints! 

aaand that's everything I've used up, minus the make up bits, of course! Have you tried any of these beauty bits? What have you been most sad about throwing out lately?

*This product was sent to me, however all opinions are my own. I was not paid for this review

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