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October 17, 2014


Two weeks ago I announced the winners of my Third Blogiversary giveaway here and, unfortunately, I never heard back from the winner. This has, unfortunately, happened a few times lately so I cannot stress the importance of checking back to see if you've won giveaways that you entered. If you follow my blog on GFC, Facebook, TwitterInstagram or BlogLovinshould see the announcements and reminders so don't forget to do so if you aren't already!

Anyway, the new winner iss....

It was your Instagram follow that won you this giveaway, Reshma, so thank you so much for following me! Reshma, please email me on dontstopbuying@hotmail.com within 48 hours to organise the delivery of your prize. If I don't hear from you within this time frame, another winner will be announced and I really do not want to redraw again!

While this giveaway was opened I reached 1 million views (read my thank you here) so, of course, I am planning a celebratory giveaway (yes, international) featuring some great products and amazing brands. 

Thank you again to everyone who entered this giveaway. For everyone who didn't win, I'm sorry. Thank you, as always, for your support of Born to Buy. 
What do you think I'll be giving away next?

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Tiny Hand With Heart