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January 03, 2014

Collective Mecca Cosmetica Haul

I made a few trips to Mecca Cosmetica during December, always intending to grab one thing and coming out with a lot more. That's always the way, isn't it? Anyway, let's get into what I bought! 
The first time I went into Mecca I wanted to pick up the Bumble and Bumble Sunday Shampoo. I heard it's a really great detoxifying shampoo and I use so many moisturising products that I sometimes need something to get everything clean. On my way into the store I saw a display of their Christmas offerings, one being the Bumble and Bumble Spraychalk. I've been toying with the idea of turquoise hair for a while now so I couldn't pass it up, especially not when I saw they had a shade called Mint. I haven't tried it yet but I'll be sure to put photos up on Instagram when I do! Lastly from Bumble and Bumble Creme de Coco Masque. I've heard/read a few great things about it and I love nourishing hair treatments so I decided to give it a shot. In a spur of the moment decision, I bought the Ciate Mini Mani Month. Although I'd been eyeing it off since its release, I had no real intention of buying it though so this was a total impulse purchase. It was a great advent calendar to have (even if I did buy it 11 days into December or somethin' equally crazy). 
More recently, I headed back to Mecca Cosmetica to pick up a new eye cream. I have been getting quite painful 'blind' pimples on my cheekbone area just under the eye and I'm fairly certain it's due to the Origins Ginzing Eye Cream I had been using. I wasn't using it consistently and every time I pulled it out and used it they'd appear. Coincidence? I think not. I grabbed a pot of the Khiel's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado to replace it. This is a super hyped about eye cream and I've used it before with no issue. Even though it's only intended for weekly use, the Bumble and Bumble Sunday Shampoo has quickly become my most reached for shampoo so I repurchased this bad boy long before I was going to finish my first bottle. I don't want to run out! Finally, I gave in to the hype surrounding the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powders and picked on up, Dim Light. I was deciding between Dim Light and Ethereal Light (I think it was that one), a beautiful powder that was so brightening that I need it for under my eyes. I think I might go back and get the other one as well. Stat!

Have you tried any of these products? Which? More importantly, what did you think of them?!


  1. ooh i really want to try the ambient lighting powder but i just cant get past that price tag! xx



Tiny Hand With Heart