As featured at the New York Fashion Week 2012, head wraps of all kind make for an easy and stylish way to maintain hair, especially on hot days where you want to keep it off your face. When I say hair wrap, I'm taking about anything really; a hair scarf, turban, even a nice headband. Whatever way you choose to accessorize your hair with fabric, I guess.
Whilst I'm not a fan of a headband over hair (for example, the second picture above), I'm often seen wearing my hair up in a headscarf bought from Equip. I have these headscarves in a number of different colours and, at under $10.00 each, I think they were definitely worth the price. In saying that, I wear my maroon one more than any other.
Why do I wear a headscarf? Sometimes it's to accessorize a simple outfit. Other times it's because I'm being lazy or I need to wash my hair. Often it's just because I can!
Images from my Instagram. Follow me @Borntobuy
As you can see from the photo on the left, I prefer to leave some hair out when wearing it in a headscarf. Why? I think it just looks nicer. Leaving some hair out at the front frames my face and makes the look less harsh, in my opinion. Much like the first of the images from Fashion Week, I prefer to wear my hair up when 'Wrapping it Up!'
I know this isn't exactly 'on trend', but I had to include it. The second photo was taken when I volunteered at a fluoro dance party at my local youth centre. And yes, I know I said I'm not a fan of headbands over hair but hey, it was all in the name of good fun!
So, tell me, do you like to wrap it up? What's your favourite way to wear a head scarf? In fact, what's your favourite way to wear any hair accessory? Also, I'm running out of Trend Tuesday ideas. Please help!
Always look your best,
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