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February 15, 2012

February Sigma sale, 2012

February 15, 2012 | , , , , ,
Did you miss the 10% off Sigma brush sale in January? Never fear, their February sale is here!

Ladies, there's 10% off your next Sigma brush purchase. Woohoo! My first two brushes arrived yesterday (stay tuned for a haul post) and I can't wait to get to know them. I've already read that the code gives you a free 'gift with purchase' but I have no idea what it is..

To get to the site, click here. Once you're at the Checkout you're able to enter the coupon code. Enter the following to receive the discount.

If you buy any brushes, please comment below. I'd love to know what you all get. If you already own any brushes, I'd love to hear that too. Please recommend me more brushes if you can!

Always look your best,

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Don't forget that the Sigma Beauty Valentine's Day sale ends on the 29th of February. Click here for more information. 
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Tiny Hand With Heart