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November 14, 2011

Just a little update #1

Hey everyone. For something different I thought I'd just share some stuff with you. 

Firstly, I'm struggling with this Project Pan thing. To be honest, I'm not sure why I did it to myself. I'm perfectly content spending all my money on beauty products and foregoing food. But no, I had to stay up late and write a post whilst wanting to save the world! The next day I woke up and had to remember what I'd done. Silly, silly Sophie. Oh well! On the up side, I'm going to try and save some money in time for Christmas! Also, it should mean I can go on a big 'spend up' once I've used up 5 products. 

PROJECT PAN UPDATE: At the moment I'm using up a foundation a powder. I hit pan on the powder a few days ago so it's very exciting!

On the weekend I went into Myer and David Jones. It was probably a really stupid idea, given the fact that I'm not allowed to spend any money (and I didn't give into temptation, by the way!), but I wanted to get samples of the Clinique 3 Step skincare system. I thought I was being really sneaky and got the same samples from both stores so I'd have double as long to try it. Being sneaky failed me, unfortunately. When I got home I realised that the samples from David Jones were actually for people with dry skin. Grr.

Ooh, ooh! My first Lust Have It! box arrived yesterday. I'm not sure why it was delivered on a Sunday but, to be honest, I don't care! I haven't yet posted a review of any of the individual products, although there is a contents and initial thoughts post.

As you all may or may not know, Beauty Box recently combined with the international beauty box company Glossy Box. I was a  Beauty Box member (although, due to poor timing, I never received a box) but wasn't sure if I'd switch over to Glossy Box. Anyway, I received an email saying that if I subscribed before Friday, I'd be reimbursed in GlossyDots (for a free box) for the box I paid for at Beauty Box. With an offer like that, how could I refuse? Now I can't wait for my box to arrive. Yay!

I'm really excited to do a big collective haul really soon! I have a heap of new things that I can't wait to show you all. The haul includes a bunch of different products from a range of brands. As soon as the last product arrives (I bought it online), that bad boy will be up!

I think that's about it for today, people. As usual, comment below. 

Always look your best,

Follow me on Twitter @ Born to Buy

1 comment :

  1. hi! just stumbled across your blog and i'm your newest follower :)
    i've contemplated doing a project pan / spending ban but i just don't think i could do it to myself lol!



Tiny Hand With Heart